By Stephen Padilla on Mar 18, 2019 7:17:31 PM
Hi, I’m Stephen Padilla, Director of Coaching for USBC, and I’d like to welcome you to the first installment of my new blog.
As someone who’s been involved in coaching my whole life (and as a bowler as well), I’ve always hoped to be able to share insights I’ve learned about how to play and teach the sport with as many people as possible.
The new BowlTV platform is going to allow me to do this, and hopefully share everything I’ve learned about coaching and instruction with bowlers of all ages and skill levels.
At USBC, we manage a coaching certification program that certifies hundreds of coaches each year, with four levels of certification: Level I, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each level of certification requires more advanced knowledge of the sport, and the few individuals who reach the Gold level truly are the most knowledgeable minds in bowling, with a wealth of information to share.
The first set of videos in my new BowlTV series focuses on several topics we teach as part of the official USBC Coaching curriculum. Whether you are interested in learning the sport to benefit your own game, or for the purpose of being able to help others, these videos will have something for you.
You’ll find that the initial batch of videos target newer bowlers. As the series goes on, we’ll be going much deeper into topics that are of interest to intermediate and advanced bowlers, and I’d love to hear from you on specific topics you’d like us to cover in the future.
The first group of videos covers scoring, the physical game, mental game, lane surface, etiquette, equipment, scoring and lane play. More topics will be introduced every two weeks.
Once the topics are established and the fundamentals are covered, I look forward to sharing with you some of the secrets we use in teaching bowlers of all levels, including the most successful athletes in the sport, who compete on Team USA and the professional tours.
I hope you enjoy the videos. I look forward to sharing some great info and hearing your thoughts on the sport as we go. In the meantime, if you have any interest in our coaching certification program, click here for more information.
Good luck and good scoring!